So check it out:

These pages are my favorite. I think if I ever have this out of display these will be my choice.

And here is the finished look:

I did come up with one little trip while I was making this. On each day, I made a little "day __" tab. I didn't have any clear cardstock, so I just took one of PTI clear boxes that they ship their stamps in, and it worked great!
I think I'm about to go wake up my sleeping husband. He's been out for about 4 hours now! I think he was exhausted.
Michael was exhausted too... I don't think Michael will be asking me to go camping in a tent anytime soon! :-) Your book looks great! I want to see it in person!
Luh-ove your scrapbook! I also love how you incorporated Elsie's style of literally using the tickets, maps, etc. That is how I used to scrapbook as a youngster and that is totally what makes the scrapbook. I miss doing that and you have inspired me to do this for a trip I am taking next week to San Fran!!
Question- what did you use for the front and back of the album? The part that is painted blue...
Love the album!! So cute!
Its a really nice to see our work in your blog. I hope you keep sharing more of your project with us. That would be more good for us.
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